Case Study

Delivering Superior Support to the World's Foremost Transportation and Logistics Provider

Written by Arch Technology | Sep 20, 2019 5:28:54 AM

The Challenge

XPO Logistics contacted Arch Technology Solutions to resolve three specific needs. 

First, the company found that cases brought to their current technical assistance center (TAC) were taking too long to resolve. Claims that are not resolved quickly lead to decreased customer satisfaction and prevent XPO employees from providing clients with the best possible service.

Second, XPO relied on their provider to be a proactive supporter of customer service and to provide a level of support that matched the company's focus and their agreed-upon coverage. However, the provider frequently missed the resolution deadlines outlined in the service level agreement (SLA) and failed to meet the intent of their contract. 

Finally, XPO knew that their support provider was not adhering to their current SLA but could not provide the necessary evidence. Without accurate data capture and reporting, the company found it difficult to negotiate with its current provider and to demand the support results needed to deliver the highest levels of service to its customers. The company lacked the tools and reporting capabilities needed to track case resolution and to match their TAC support results to the promises of their SLA.

The Solution

Arch Technology Solutions started by performing an expert review of XPO Logistics' network coverage needs. 

With a comprehensive understanding of the client’s coverage needs, Arch Technology Solutions' experts reviewed each of XPO's existing service agreements, both those provided by third-party vendors and those included in the client’s hardware purchases. The Arch Team then developed an SLA that has dramatically reduced the time to resolution on all TAC cases. 

This primary shift has allowed XPO Logistics to provide better service to their customers. In addition, their employees enjoy more seamless communication, information sharing, and can reliably track assets and deliver accurate information.

The new Arch-provided SLA includes a guaranteed time to resolution to reduce stress during times of network issues and provide XPO customers and employees with dependable and timely solutions. To ensure that every case meets the guidelines of the SLA, Arch Technology Solutions has also implemented an SLA tracking and reporting program. Each case that comes into the TAC is timed and checked against the mandates of the SLA. 

The performance results of the TAC are reported to XPO Logistics and clearly compare the actual support received to the guarantees in the SLA.

The Results

As a result of their work with Arch Technology Solutions, XPO Logistics is experiencing 40% faster case resolution. This has allowed the company to eliminate network downtime and achieve the highest levels of customer service.

Partnering with Arch Technology Solutions has allowed XPO Logistics to eliminate costly support failures that left their global customers scrambling to meet their supply chain needs. In addition to a significant reduction in downtime, the client’s agreement with Arch Technology Solutions provides peace of mind. XPO Logistics receive accurate reporting on the performance of the TAC and the assurance that their SLA and support provider share their passion for customer service excellence.

Data Points

  • 40% Faster Resolution
  • Elimination of Downtime
  • Reliable TAC Support reporting